Alphonsian Academy: Seminar on Amoris Laetitia


In the second semester of the academic year 2016-17, from March 9 to May 28, the Alphonsian Academy is conducting a seminar on the reception of the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, edited by Professors Giovanni Del Missier and Antonio Fidalgo and also with the interdisciplinary and intercultural participation of other professors: Vimal Tirimanna CSsR (Special Moral; Sri Lanka); Don Giovanni Del Missier (Bioethics Moral; Italy); Sabatino Majorano CSsR and Antonio Donato CSsR (Fundamental Moral; Italy); Narciso Cappelletto CSsR (Anthropology and Ethics Philosophy, Argentina); Mario Boies CSsR (Moral Psychology-empirical; Canada); Antonio Fidalgo CSsR (theological anthropology; Argentina); Nestor Basunga CSsR (Special Moral; Congo). At the seminar there are 58 students enrolled of which 14 belong to the Third Cycle (Doctorate) and the rest of the first and second year of the license. This group has about 20 external students.

The work of the Seminar will be brought together in a publication compiling different contributions. The hope is that this small contribution from this semnar would be a stimulus for reflection and pastoral practice around the reality of the family, of marriage, and their different challenges, without losing “the hope because of our limitations, or ever stop seeking that fullness of love and communion which God holds out before us.”(AL, 325)