“The Icon of Love” documentary film will be broadcaseted on June 27, 2017, in Italy, USA, Poland, Slovakia and the Philippines


The documentary film on Our Mother Perpetual Help, “The Icon of Love” will be broadcasted by five different television channels in Italy,  the United States, Poland, Slovakia and the Philippines on 27th June 2017. The feast day of Our Mother of Perpetual Help is celebrated worldwide mostly on June 27, with novena devotions. Under Pope Pius XII’s Pontificate, our Mother of Perpetual Help was designated as the national Patroness of the Republic of Haiti and Almoradi, Spain. Our Mother of Perpetual Help has been venerated across many cultures and thus bears several titles in different languages, such as “Mother of Perpetual Succour”, Mutter von immerwährenden hilfe, Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro, Notre-Dame du Perpétuel Secours, Mater del Perpetuo Succursu, and Ina ng Laging Saklolo.

The documentary film was prepared by the office of communications of the Redemptorists in Rome on the occasion of the 150th Jubilee of the Icon since it was entrusted to the Redemptorists by the Pope Pius IX, in 1865. The icon has been in Rome since 1499, and is permanently enshrined in the church of Sant’Alfonso di Liguori, Via Merulana,  from 1866.

 Given below are the details about the transmissions

TV2000 (channel 28), Italy

“The icon of love” (Italian Version),  June 27th, Tuesday at 7:30 pm


TV Maria, Philippines

TV Maria Foundation Philippines, Inc

“Icon of Love” (English Version)  June 27th, Tuesday 10:30 AM, 11:30AM and 7:30PM


Shalom World TV, USA

“Icon of Love” (English Version), June 27th, Tuesday,  at 8:00PM ET/BST.


On Smart TVs, check out this link: http://www.shalomworldtv.org/connected-tv

On smartphones and tablets: http://www.shalomworldtv.org/mobile-apps

You can also watch online at www.ShalomWorldTV.org/live


TV Trwam, Poland

“Icon of Love” (Polish Version), June 27th, Tuesday,  at 3.00 pm and 11.20 pm


Catholic TV LUX, Slovakia
“Icon of Love” (Slovakian version)  on June 27 at 5:30 pm local time.
Biju Madathikunnel, CSsR