Symposium of Lecturers of the Alphonsian Academy


(Rome, Italy) Before the beginning of the academic year, the lecturers at the Alphonsian Academy met for two days (September 24-26) – just as they did two years ago – to reflect, share and plan together.

This year’s symposium has addressed at least two major themes: Didactics as a training moment for both students and teachers, and the challenges of moral theology and the call to face it in the light of the Papal Document “Amoris Laetitia.”

The meeting was attended by almost all of the Redemptorist teaching staff present in Rome and many non-Redemptorist teachers who offer their help in our Institute of Moral Theology.

The symposium began on Sunday afternoon at the Academy’s classrooms. After the greeting of Fr. Andrzej S. Wodka, President of the Academy, Prof. Giovanni Del Missier presented a detailed reflection on the challenges that didactics pose as researchers and teachers. This challenge is even more striking in the context of the Academy because its students come from the five continents and study in an academic environment that is unique in the world here in the city of Rome.

From Monday morning, thanks to the generosity of one of our teachers, the work continued at the CIAM (International Missionary Animation Centre) in Rome until Tuesday after lunch.
On Monday morning, Fr. Wodka presented the transformations that are taking place within the world of the Pontifical Universities in the light of the new indications of the Congregation for Catholic Education and of what our Redemptorist Congregation asks for the same Academy. Reflection was continued with Fr. Alfonso Amarante through the analysis of our “human resources” and the possibilities that open to our common apostolate at the service of the Universal Church and the Congregation. This reflection touched on topics such as the management of the Academy at the level of governance, economic resources and the active engagement demanded of the Redemptorist teachers in the coming years.

On Monday afternoon, the focus of attention was on some important points in didactics management. Later on, there were some discussions to look at the possible steps for events such as the 70th anniversary of the Academy.

On Tuesday morning, after the prayer, the reflection was led by Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio – a former student of the Academy and was grateful for the formation received from Frs. Haering and Capone – on some challenges “Amoris Laetitia” places before us as moralists and pastors. There was a very rich discussion among the members present, with some interesting theological perspectives that will be developed.

The rest of the morning had been devoted to the choices to be made in the next two years among the points that deserve our utmost attention and also according to the Strategic Plan and the Improvement Plan drawn up in the light of the AVEPRO (External Agency of Academic Evaluation of the Holy See for all Pontifical Universities).

The whole symposium proved to be a profitable moment for the human, spiritual, and theological sharing of all present, with the view of new academic year that is very intense.

Alfonso V. Amarante, CSsR