Meeting of the General Secretariat for Formation.

From left to right: Edilberto Cepe (Cebu - Asia/Oceania), Manuel Rodríguez (San Juan - Latin America/Caribbean, Executive Secretary, effective January 1, 2018), Václav Hypius (Brastislava-Praha-Europe), Joseph Musendami (Zimbawe - Africa/Madagascar), Michael Brehl (Superior General), Alberto Eseverri (Vicar General), Larry Luján (Denver - North America), Rogério Gomes (General Council), Luis Roballo (Executive Secretary).

(Rome, Italy) From November 20th until 24th, 2017, the first meeting of the new Secretariat of Formation (Initial Formation) for the Sexennium, 2016 – 2022, was held.  From each one´s initial presentation it became clear that the General Councils’ criteria, as mentioned by Father General, Michael Brehl, for the selection of these confreres to the General Secretariat of Formation.  Among the criteria, besides a representation from each Conference, were persons with experience of various levels of formation and persons who at some moment of their lives, have had experience in inter-provincial formation.

Father General was present with the Secretariat at different moments during the week in order to orient some of the areas of discussion and decisions.  The main areas of discussions were: a presentation and evaluation of the Secretariat´s agenda during the last sexennium, orientations for the sexennium, 2016 – 2022, the planning of courses for formators, the possible topics for publications, the process of evaluating initial formation at the level of every Unit and the Conferences, as asked by decision number 30 of the last General Chapter, the importance of continued formation with the new structures put in place by the General Council, the relationship with other Secretariats and Commissions on the level of the General Government, etc. All evaluated the week as very productive and appreciative of the work done during the last sexennium by Father Luis Roballo as Executive Secretary of this Secretariat.

General Secretariat for Formation.