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Monthly Archives: February 2020

Friends of REDS in Kenya

(Nairobi, Kenya) “Today will be marked as a historic day in the light of Redemptorists in Kenya”, this was the opening remark of Fr....

Seminar for Superiors, Parish Priests and Members of Secretariats and Commissions...

(Mumbai, India) A 3-day seminar for all Superiors, Parish Priests and members of Secretariats and Commissions of the V. Province of Majella was conducted...

A Holy Man: Strong in faith, Rejoicing in hope, Burning with...

Introduction Who are saints? Strictly speaking, only God is holy, as we affirm in the “Gloria”: "For you alone are the Holy One; you alone...

Seek God and serve the people with joy

(Rome) The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord and the World Day for Consecrated Life 2020 was the occasion to celebrate the solemn...

Jubilee Year of St. Clement Hofbauer – Information

Jubilee Year of St. Clement Hofbauer 2020/2021 Information to the Redemptorist Family about the resources.   Dear Confreres, Sisters and Partners in Mission, With his letter dated February...