5. English: The eight stages of Formation and the elaboration of corresponding Formation Programs for each stage.

The 2015 Decree on Formation of General Government identified eight stages of formation. The stages are the following:

5.1 Vocation Ministry and Accompaniment
5.2 Formation Prior to Novitiate (Candidates)
5.3 Novitiate (Novices)
5.4 The period from Temporary Profession to Perpetual Profession (Temporarily professed)
5.4.a. The Formation of Brothers
5.5 Pastoral Experience during temporary profession
5.6 Preparation for Perpetual Profession
5.7 Transition to Ministry
5.8 Continuing Formation

Those responsible for each one these stages should elaborate a program of formation for each of these stages. The stage-corresponding Redemptorist formation programs should include the formation contents and themes, based on the five dimensions of formation (human, spiritual, community, acdemic, pastoral-missionary).  The programs should always be oriented towards progressive and continuing formation.

A general view of formation and the initiation into Apostolic Life and Preaching in here presented in a power-point:

Click here

The sections that follow are a series of articles and resources thay may help in the elaboration of the specific formation programs.