Meeting of the Council of the Interprovincial Novitiate in Lubaszowa-Podolinec


The Interprovincial Novitiate in Lubaszowa-Podolinec will finish its first year of activity on 15 August 2017. Therefore the Council of the Novitiate made an evaluation of the formation process and the collaboration among the four Units involved in this project.
Fr. Janusz Sok (Provincial of Warsaw), as the chair, invited to the meeting the Provincial of Bratislava-Praha Fr. Václav Hypius, the Vice-Provincial of Michalovce Fr. Metod Lukacik and the Coordinator of the CRE Fr. Jacek Zdrzałek. Fr. Zenon Gieniec, Regional Superior from the Region of Saint Gerard could not take part.

The meeting took place in Lubaszowa (Poland) on 26 June 2017.
The Council worked on the Ratio Novitiatus, the Directory of the Novitiate, and the manner of financing this common project. The manner of electing and nominating the Novice Master was accepted during the meeting.

Ten Novices started the Novitiate in 2016/2017 and all of them are preparing now for their first Religious profession (8 from Warsaw; 2 from Bratislava-Praha). The Novices from Slovakia are doing their last three months in Novitiate House in Podolinec (Slovakia).
The next Novitiate in 2017/2018 will start with four candidates from the Warsaw Province and with one from the Yorktown Province in Canada.

Jacek Zdrzałek C.Ss.R