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Monthly Archives: July 2024

Message of the Superior General for the Feast of St Alphonsus...

Prot. N.: 0000   143/2024Rome, August 1st, 2024St. Alphonsus María de Liguori Missionaries of Hope in the footsteps...

Confreres of the Province of St Clement bid farewell to Fr....

On Monday, July 29, Bishop Bohdan Dzyurakh, C.Ss.R, Exarch of the Ukrainians in Germany and Scandinavia, presided over the funeral of Father...

First Redemptorist Vocation Gathering of the Bolivia-Peru Province in Lima

Under the motto “Master, where do you live?” (Jn 1:38), the St. Alphonsus formation house in El Rímac, Lima was the place...

Celebrating a Milestone: Partners in Mission Enrollment Ceremony at the Basilica...

In a vibrant and joyous ceremony at the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Brooklyn, thirty-nine parishioners from the Hispanic...

Colombia: Redemptorist Youth Camp 2024

“The joy of redemption descends from heaven” Barquisimeto, July 22, 2024 – Since July 18, 32 young people from...

Partners in Mission Enrollment Ceremony of Dr Morella, the Redemptorist Associate...

"Look how we are having fun tonight, And everything is just right" – these lyrics from the song "Born Lucian" perfectly encapsulate...

VALLEGRANDE 2024: Place of Community Living and Missionary Experience of the...

Vallegrande, an intermediate city located in the centre of the Bolivian geography, was the location of the meeting of seventy-three members of...

First Profession of two novices in the Vice-Province of Malaysia and...

After a long drought of 37 years the Church of Our Mother of Perpetual Help in Ipoh, Malaysia, witnessed the First Profession...

Cordoba, Argentina: Meeting of Lay Missionaries of the Most Holy Redeemer

“On the weekend of July 20 and 21, the Lay Missionaries of the Most Holy Redeemer and those brothers who have begun...

Brazil: Retreat of the Redemptorist Brothers celebrating 130 years of their...

The Bavarian Redemptorists arrived in Aparecida on October 8, 1894. While they were settling into the residence that had been prepared for...