Welcome to REDCAMP


This past week from 11th-17th July 2017 groups from many parts of Europe, Poland, Portugal and Ireland gathered for a week of prayer and evangelization in Porto, Portugal. 14 lay and young people from Portugal with their animator Fr. Rui Santiago prepared this meeting and about 40 were involved in this marvelous experience of faith. Fr. Pedro López (General Consultor), Fr. Jacek Zdrzalek (Coordinator of the CRE), Fr. António Marinho (Provincial of Lisbon Province) participated in some part of this school of evangelization.

This week we journeyed with Jesus from the banks of the Jordan River to the Mount Calvary. On Sunday, the Feast of the Most Holy Redeemer,  we reached the climax of our journey by reflecting on the mystery of Redemption on the cross at Calvary.

The week was filled with prayer, singing and pilgrimage to Fatima. The message of spreading the good news came alive on Saturday as we took to the streets of Porto to sing, pray, listen, answer question about church and faith and share stories with locals and tourists of Porto.

We like to thank the people and Communities of Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia for the welcome and hospitality , and also for giving the opportunity to share our faith journey with them. With him is Plentiful Redemption, may the Holy Redeemer continue to Bless us and all whom we have met during this week of evangelization.

Ryan M Holovlasky C.Ss.R