Congregation-Wide Online Meeting of the Redemptorist Brothers


The Brothers of the Congregation came together online on the 15th of September 2024 to hear a message from the Superior General, Father Rogerio Gomes, on the eve of the Feast of Saint Gerard. The General Commission for Brothers, along with the General Secretariat, prepared the meeting where all the participants could introduce themselves, highlighting where they were from and how long they had professed. Just over 100 brothers gathered online from all over the world, from 60 years of profession to just recently professed. There was joy and a sense of connectedness where brothers were able to see and reconnect with old friends and to meet the newer, younger brothers.

Fr. Rogerio encouraged the confreres in their vocation, “The brother’s mission is, above all, a commitment to service in the building of a Christian community in which human value is not measured by hierarchical roles, but by the spirit of sharing, welcoming and solidarity.” He further shared that “the Redemptorist Brothers share the same mission as the clerics of the Congregation, but express this mission in a unique way, through pastoral, educational, social and missionary work, being prophets of an inclusive and supportive Church, where fraternity is the key to everything.”  He spoke to the living out of the Brother’s vocation in a world that doesn’t always appreciate the religious vocation.  He encouraged the Brothers to live a strong religious life, saying, “Religious brothers assume an essential prophetic role in the present ecclesial context, presenting a way of being Church that is not based on hierarchy, but on the radical living of fraternity.”

After Father General’s message, several Brothers shared their own experiences, while others asked questions about how the Congregation sees the Brother’s vocation at the present moment. In addition, concerns were expressed about the restructuring process. Overall, it was a very lighthearted time, which ended with a special blessing given by Father Rogerio and all of the Brothers wishing each other a happy feast day of St. Gerard.

Br. Laurence J. Luján Angel, C.Ss.R.
General Consultor