Fr Jan CSsR’s early life…


Br Royston Price (one of our Novices) and Fr Jan Milcz CSsR

Fr Jan CSsR’s early life…

Fr Jan is a Polish Redemptorist who belongs to the London Province.

Some years ago as he was preparing to say mass he announced to the priests with him that,

“70 years ago today the Nazis took me from Poland”.

Imagine the shock the priests felt on hearing this terrible piece of news.

Now he has finally told his story and it was published this Lent in Redemptorist Publications “Lent Extra”.

You can read the complete history of father Jan here:
Fr. Jan CSsR’s early life…
Our thanks go to Sr Jackie Smith SP

who recorded the conversations that told this story.


This year’s edition of Lent Extra is now in stock, order yours now! What does the word “mercy” mean to you? Even the dictionary definition is something rich and beautiful, linked to such lovely qualities as kindness, compassion, forgiveness, bigheartedness, generosity, love… and you can add your own ideas to the list. We often practise mercy without questioning our motives. We have probably all helped to pick up broken glass from the floor, rescued a trapped spider from a wash basin, assisted a struggling youngster with homework or rescued somebody from an embarrassing situation. Very few of us would ignore a lost child or reject a heartfelt apology. As the Church celebrates the Holy Year of Mercy, Lent Extra, in its exciting new A4 format, takes mercy as its theme. Lent Extra 2016 looks at mercy from the varied points of view of a Shakespearean actress, a theologian, an ex-offender, a former prisoner of the Nazis – and Jonah, the prophet who did everything he could to escape the responsibility of listening to God’s instructions. A short reflection for each day of Lent will help you to travel with Jesus from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. A children’s pull-out calendar will also help them to make a similar journey.

Lent Extra 2016 in:
Redemptorist Publications