Assembly of the Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean


On 22 and 23 May, the fourth Assembly of the Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean took place in Villa Marianella (Colombia), with the presence of the Major Superiors and members of the units, brothers’ representatives, lay guests and General Councilors PP. Rogério Gomes and Pedro López.

Different issues about the Conference have been discussed in view of implementing the decisions of the General Chapter. There were also discussions regarding the commissions needed at the Conference level on the extraordinary visit that the General Government next time. At the same time, the names of the confreres who would form the Commission have been proposed to coordinate the work for the preparation of the Apostolic Plan and the Conference Restructuring Plan.

Finally, a list of 3 candidates (PP Enrique López, Marcelo Araujo and Ramón Correa) was selected, from which the General Government will nominate the Co-ordinator of the Conference for the next six years.

The Assembly prepared a message addressed to members of the Redemptorist family in Latin America and the Caribbean.


Marianella – Colombia, May 2017

“Witnesses of the Redeemer, Solidarity for mission in an injured world”

Dear Brothers, Sisters, Lay Associates and Redemptorist Family.

The Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean has met in Marianella – Colombia from May 22 to 23 with the presence of four laymen representing the different sub-conferences. During these days we have lived in a climate of true fraternity and fruitful dialogue.

In the light of the 25th General Chapter, we have analysed and reflected the decisions of the Chapter during this Third Phase, and we want to reflect them throughout the Conference to continue the Restructuring for the mission in a wounded world and thus better respond to the renewed missionary presence.

From Latin America and the Caribbean, we want to be a conference “that goes out, to reach and be in the peripheries that need the light of the gospel” (see E.G. 20). We are a missionary body and we are called to be Witnesses of the Redeemer in a wounded world.

Pope Francis invites us to “live with joy and gratitude” our generous dedication to Christ and to discover how beautiful it is to belong forever to God and give our lives for the service of our brothers and sisters. (Cf. Pope Francis April 11, 2015).

To better realise our Restructuring for the mission we are called:

· For conversion of mind and heart.

· To revitalise and strengthen in prayer our community life.

· To build the Kingdom of God in solidarity with a wounded world and the world that struggle for justice.

· To motivate the confreres to an extraordinary and missionary availability.

· Update structures to give the best efforts to the mission.

· To revitalise the shared mission of the laity who have the richness of our charism and a prophetic voice in this world.

· To collaborate with all the congregations that are part of the Redemptorist family

We call on all Redemptorists (Confreres, Laity, Redemptorist Family) to continue to embrace with hope this process of Restructuring for the mission and to set out on the road to the wounded world so that the Good News can reach everyone.

We thank all of you for your presence and effort to carry out this missionary dream in Latin America and the Caribbean, in a special way we thank the Province of Bogota for hosting of these meetings.

May Our Mother of Perpetual Help continue to accompany us in our mission.

Assembly of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Marianella – Colombia, May 23, 2017