Extraordinary Visitation in Russia and Kazakhstan


(Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan) The Extraordinary General Visitation to the  Region of St. Gerard took place from May 14 to 18, 2018 in Petropavlovsk in Kazakhstan. The purpose of the visitation was to present the main ideas on the restructuring of the Congregation described in the last Communicanda and the decisions of the General Chapter of 2016.

The representatives of the General Government, Fr. Alberto Eseverri (General Consultor) and Fr. Peter Chyła (Director of the Centre of Redemptorist Spirituality), encouraged us in the meeting to take some important steps on the way to adapt our style of missionary work to the challenges faced in the world today and to rethink about the present situation of the Congregation.

The Redemptoristines, who have their monastery in Petropavlovsk since 2001, together with the Sisters of the Mother of Mercy and our parishioners joined us in prayers. There was a meeting with the Government of the Region as well.

The Redemptorists in Russia and Kazakhstan started their work in 1993. They live now in five communities in Russia (Orenburg, Orsk, Kemerovo, Togliattii and Pioniersk) and one in Kazakhstan. There are 10 fathers from the Province of Warsaw and one from the Province of Dublin. They work in widespread parishes – mainly in Russian language, lead parish missions and retreats, publish books and other publications and cooperate on the ecumenical field with the Orthodox Church, where it’s possible. The Region of St. Gerard was established in 2006.

Fr. Piotr Łacheta CSsR, Petropavlovsk. Kazakhstan

The website of the Region: www.redemptorist.ru