Meeting of Jumire of the Province of Rio


(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) About 45 young people gathered at the Seminary of the Floresta Retreat House in Juiz de Fora (MG), from 3rd to 5th of May, for a formation meeting of the Redemptorist Youth (Jumire). The event was coordinated by Fr. Américo de Oliveira, C.Ss.R., provincial coordinator of Jumire, and assisted by Ariany de Oliveira Leite, Jumire of the Province of Goiás, member of the National Commission of Jumire, representative of the Youths of Congregations in the National Coordination of Youth Ministry of the CNBB and representative of the CNBB in the National Youth Council.

On the second day, Saturday 4th, the speaker Ariany spoke on “Youth, Faith and Vocational Discernment”, exposing participants to the whole synod process, the Church’s dialogue with youth and the apostolic exhortation that the Pope launched this year to help the young walk. “It is important to understand the openness that Pope Francis gave to the young people with the Synod of Youth, to invite them to listen to what they have to say, to hold hands and to walk together to build a new church, a church more open to dialogue” Said the young woman.

The Jumire was attended by the Provincial Superior, Fr. Nelson Antônio Linhares, C.Ss.R., who celebrated the Eucharist together with Fr. Americo on Sunday the 5th. “Youth is the future of the church and the Province. Jumire has a beautiful walk. Today, we have groups in practically all units, young people participating more in the activities of our parishes and shrines through liturgy or meetings, social work, charity. There has been a maturation of Jumire of the Province of Rio, but there is still a long way ahead, many challenges to face,” said Fr. Americo.

The event for Daniella Paes Pessanha, coordinator of Jumire de Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ), was an opportunity for growth for the group. “These meetings teach us more and more about our Congregation, our way of being, how we can be better as a missionary youth and what we have to offer. These opportunities strengthen our love and our willingness to serve,” she said.