First Profession of Br. Keotshepile Salvation Mathuwe


(Cape Town, South Africa) “The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary” is the patronal feast of the Church of South Africa and it is celebrated on the Sunday nearest to August 15th. So, it was particularly fitting that on August 18th we celebrated not only the Assumption of our Blessed Mother but also the First Profession of Brother Keotshepile Salvation Mathuwe.   Keotshepile, better known as Berry, who comes from the Rustenburg area and has known the Redemptorists all his life.

He made his postulancy in Merrivale, KwaZulu Natal, as well as in the Monastery, Bergvliet, Cape Town.  He made his Novitiate in Harare, Zimbabwe.  Berry’s Profession took place during a packed evening Mass in Holy Redeemer Church, Bergvliet.  Fr Provincial (Gerard McCabe) spoke warmly of the beauty and grace of a Redemptorist vocation.  Although we have had professions of confreres from other African countries, the Provincial pointed out that Berry is the first local vocation for a long time. He asked the congregation to pray that Berry may be followed by many others to help keep the Redemptorist presence alive in these parts.

The Profession was followed by a hearty reception in the parish hall.

May the Lord, in his kindness, complete what he has begun in Berry’s life.

Sean Wales, CSsR.

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