General Commission For Partnership in Mission met in Porto


(Porto, Portugal) The General Commission for Partnership in Mission met in Porto, Portugal recently. The meetings were scheduled for November 11-13, and the members chose to arrive in Porto a few days early to join in the November 9 celebrations of commitment for 7 new Lay Missionaries of the Most Holy Redeemer, renewal of commitment for 22 LMMHRs who had made their initial commitment a year ago. At the same celebration, several prospective LMMHRs began their two-year formation process. The hospitality of the Redemptorist community of Porto was much appreciated by the members of the commission, and new friendships were forged.

The principal topic on the agenda for the meeting of the General Commission for Partnership in Mission was the revision of the draft Directory for Partnership in Mission based on feedback received from the mid-sexennial meetings in the five Redemptorist Conferences. The feedback was reviewed, and the draft Directory edited in light of these comments and suggestions. The revised Directory will be presented to the General Government, with the hope that, in December, it will be promulgated for use ad experimentum until the next General Chapter.

At these meetings, in response to the call of the XXV General Chapter, work began on the development of a Ratio formationis for partners in mission. A draft outline was developed and writing assignments were taken up, to be submitted to the Chair by April 30, 2020. The members were also asked to canvas their Conferences for resources related to formation and faith sharing for partners in mission, particularly Lay Missionaries of the Most Holy Redeemer. This will be used in the development of the Ratio, and also placed in the “resources” section of the Partnership in Mission area of the CSsR webpage. A small working group will meet in Newfoundland, Canada in May, 2020 to advance the writing of the Ratio Formationis.

The Commission addressed our presence on the webpage and made a number of suggestions as to how this could be improved and enhanced.

The Commission made a decision to initiate a quarterly Newsletter, to be called Partnership in Mission. It will feature stories of people that will give hope and offer possibilities.

The whole Commission will meet again in Rome in November, 2020.

Members of the General Commission for Partnership in Mission are:

  • Judith Agu (Africa and Madagascar)
  • Sebastian Ani Dato, CSsR (General Council)
  • Nicolas Ayouba, CSsR (General Council)
  • Nicole Barber (Europe)
  • Cristian Bueno, CSsR (Executive Secretary)
  • Rafael Junquera (Europe)
  • Roksan Latorre (Asia-Oceania)
  • Pedro Lopez, CSsR (General Council)
  • Rui Santiago, CSsR (Europe)
  • Sinay Tovar (Latin America and the Caribbean)
  • Anne Walsh (North America, Chair)


Anne Walsh