As we prepare for the opening of the Jubilee Year on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the death of St. Clement Hofbauer, we recall the celebrations in honor of our holy confrere, which took place over 110 years ago in Vienna in the year of his canonization.
This is how Fr. Martin Leitgöb C.Ss.R. describes the event:
“The actual festivities in honour of St. Clement Maria Hofbauer took place as part of an eight-day celebration from 9th to 17th October 1909 in Maria am Gestade, at the end of which a solemn procession of the relics of Maria am Gestade to St. Stephen’s Cathedral was held. More than 10,000 people took part in this procession, including countless associations and federations.” (Vom Silbernen zum goldenen Strahlenschein. Eine Rückblende auf die Heiligsprechung von Klemens Maria Hofbauer im Jahre 1909, SHCSR 57 (2009) 95-115).

Among the people carrying the urn with St. Clement Hofbauer’s relics in procession we can recognize the venerable Fr. Wilhelm Janauschek C.Ss.R. (detail in photo no. 5), at the time the superior of the Redemptorist community at the Maria am Gestade Church in Vienna.
The photos are kept in our General Archive.