Diary of a priest: Limerick’s Fr Seamus Enright, Redemptorists, describes his Holy Week


(Limerick, Ireland) Donal O’Regan has presented in an Irish newspaper the Limerick Leader  Fr Seamus Enright CSsR and the community at Mount St Alphonsus during last Holy Week that they have lived through – similarly as we all – in this special circumstances of the Covid-19 crisis.

– One of the ironies of the present situation is that we have lost our regular physical congregation and gained a new virtual one. We are experiencing a whole new way of engaging with people and of being a church. – writes Fr. Enright.

He closes his one week personal diary with a description of the Holy Saturday and of the touching liturgy of the Easter Vigil:

Holy Saturday is always such an empty day. It was more so this year as we weren’t busily celebrating the Sacrament of Confession. I spent the day catching up on phone calls and email and some frustrating hours trying to prepare a homily for the Easter Vigil. What does one say on a night like this to a mostly invisible congregation scattered all over the world.?

I found our celebration of the Easter Vigil profoundly moving, especially that moment when I lit the paschal fire in the darkened church. The tears were welling up. The light of Christ has come into the world again. Alleluia!

Read the whole text on the page:
