Mary is our strength and source of hope in times of turmoil


We are truly not alone. At this time of the Coronavirus, it is most important that we join together in prayer and community. Brother Dan Korn, C.Ss.R., talks to us about Our Mother of Perpetual Help.

In this time of turmoil, we have a source of hope and strength: the tradition of Novenas to our Mother of Perpetual Help started in response to people’s anxious concerns. We gather before the image of Our Mother of Perpetual Help in simple love and veneration. In the beginning, only the rosary and the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary made up the devotion.

In this time of fear let us make a simple novena of gazing at the icon with this simple prayer: Remember us Holy Mother of God! For those who call on you are never disappointed. In your love hear and answer us. Amen!

Keep Your eyes on Mary!

In the journey of the people of Israel through the desert, they were attacked by serpents that bit them and thus they died. Moses was instructed by God, to make a golden serpent and put it on a pole in the center of the people. Those who were bitten by the serpents, if they gazed upon the serpent on the pole, were healed.

In this time of anxiety with the coronavirus, let us look upon the image of Jesus in the icon with confidence and hope. Follow the message of St.Paul: “Keep Your eyes fixed on Jesus, who inspires and perfects our faith.” (Heb.12:2) As we gaze upon the Icon let us proclaim with confidence: Lord Jesus Son of God, have mercy on us!

The Annunciation:

“And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.” In the mystery of the Annunciation, we have the first and greatest mystery of our faith. Through the “yes” of Mary, the human race was raised to glory in the flesh of Jesus. Let us remember, the Word of God through the flesh of Mary began our redemption. Should we not have confidence that our Blessed Mother will keep us in her maternal embrace in all the circumstances of life?
