A disciple of St. Alphonsus in Ghana ordained priest


His priestly ordination was slated for 18th April 2020 prior to the intrusion and invasion of COVID-19 in our part of the world and thus subsequently had to be postponed. It was, therefore, a great day of joy on Saturday, 22nd August 2020 for the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (the Redemptorists) in Ghana when all road led to St. George Catholic Church, Kuntanase-Ashanti in the Catholic Diocese of Obuasi for the priestly ordination of Rev. Fr. Peter Francis Agnes Oteng, C.Ss.R.

In the company of three other deacons, two for the Diocese of Obuasi and one for the Society of African Missions (SMA), the Redemptorist, Fr. Oteng, was ordained by the Most Rev. John Yaw Afoakwah, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Obuasi in a Mass concelebrated by a good number of priests. Also in attendance were a section of religious brothers and sisters, seminarians, families, and friends of the newly ordained with Redemptorist confreres and students inclusive.

In his homily, the ordaining prelate reflected on the scriptural readings of the day as well as the duties of the priest. Fr. Oteng and the other ordinandi were thus invited to a fuller configuration to the image of Jesus, the eternal High Priest, and to dedication to the mission of Christ the Redeemer, which has to do with service of God’s people. It was a joyous scene to behold when after the rites of ordination, ‘the freshest Redemptorist priest’ was vested with the stole and chasuble by Fr. Christian Klu, C.Ss.R, the Mission Superior.

The following day, Sunday, 23rd August 2020, Fr. Oteng presided over his First Thanksgiving Holy Mass at his hometown, Abrankese (near Kuntanase), in the joyous company of some diocesan priests, his Redemptorist confreres, families, and friends among others. Indeed, COVID-19 restrictions could not stop the explosion of the joy of the priesthood, a joy that comes from God at the gift of ordination.

Under the patronage of Mary, Our Mother of Perpetual Help, and in the company of St. Alphonsus de Liguori and all saintly Redemptorists, the Redemptorist Mission of Ghana praises and thanks to God for the gift of Rev. Fr. Peter Francis Agnes Oteng, C.Ss.R. May God continue to call forth in the hearts and minds of young men the desire to join the Redemptorists in preaching Christ’s message of plentiful redemption.

By the Communication Crew, CSsR_Gh