Zoom meeting of the General Secretariat of Formation

(left to right) 1st row: Fathers Alberto Eseverri, C.Ss.R., Manuel Rodríguez Delgado, C.Ss.R. and Rogério Gomes, C.Ss.R. (2nd row): Frs. Hypius Václav, C.Ss.R., Edilberto Cepe, C.Ss.R. and Joseph Musendami, C.Ss.R.

The General Secretariat of Initial Formation members met on Thursday, February 25th, 2021, using the Zoom platform to continue the reflection and redaction of the report to be submitted to the Preparatory Commission for the next General Chapter.  Each Secretariat member was assigned and presented five achievements of formation and five challenges as we progress into the future. The material for the total of 25 achievements and 25 challenges was drawn from over 50 pages of reports and analysis done at different levels of our Congregation and formation structures.

We found it interesting that although we represent five different Conferences, some of the Achievements and Challengers were similar.  Among the achievements we highlighted as encouraging is the work of the Conference Secretariats and Commission for Formation, the formation stages of Novitiate, Pastoral Experience during temporary vows, and the Preparation for final Profession. In general, despite limitations due to COVID-19, the restructuring and reconfiguration process as they influence formation represents high levels of success.

Among the challenges mentioned, and although the vocation ministry is working well, we still need to invest greater energy and creativity in this area.  Also, our formators need greater support and appreciation for their difficult ministry of accompaniment, which includes their continuing formation to fulfill their responsibilities.  As always, finances were mentioned as many Units are struggling, especially intensified due to repercussions from the COVID-19.

The meeting was very positive in that it helped us analyze and understand even more where we are at and where we need to go with regards to the initial and continuing formation in the Congregation.

Fr. Alberto Eseverri, C.Ss.R, the president of the Secretariat, at the meeting´s end, thanked the members for their enthusiasm, hard work, and dedication to this important dimension of our Congregation´s life and ministry.

Manuel Rodríguez Delgado, C.Ss.R.