Annual spiritual retreat, on the road to reconfiguration….


Confreres of the Vice-Province of Resistencia, of the Province of Buenos Aires and the entire novitiate of the Conference in our country, participated in the annual retreat in our Casa San Alfonso, located in the town of Villa Allende, Córdoba, from 27 September to 1 October. We were accompanied and animated by Fr. Gustavo Valenzuela, O.F.M.

We followed an invitation to give depth to the inner world, awaken from what distracts us from the essential, assuming that confusion is necessary for new learning. Silence as a spiritual matrix and solitude as existential scaffolding were the propitious framework for recreating the love of charity as the interpretative key to the message of Jesus.

Undoubtedly these were days where together we sought to connect with the absoluteness of God who lives in us, sustains our existence, makes us free to liberate, and is an invitation to be born again, without make-up. We give thanks to Jesus, the Good Master, for these days lived and made visible as a sign of hopeful communion in the current reconfiguration process in which we find ourselves as a congregation.

Fr. Ariel Cattaneo, C.Ss.R.
Vicar Provincial, Buenos Aires