Colombia: Meeting of Redemptorist Formators


On 16 and 17 November, the meeting of formators of the Province of Bogota was held at the Seminary of St. Alphonsus in Piedecuesta. The meeting reflected on the reality of the young candidates who come to our seminaries and the challenges presented today in the formative accompaniment. Under the guidance of Dr. Leidy Marcela Chaparro, Psychologist, the different stages of the biblical cycle were analysed, reviewed and studied, including the ages at which our formandi find themselves.

Luis Carlos Jaime encouraged the formators to continue working on this arduous task of formation and insisted on assimilating the path of restructuring and reconfiguration proposed by the Congregation.

Jairo Díaz Rodríguez presented the Ratio Formationis Generalis of the C.S.R., highlighting the characteristics of the restructured young person present throughout the document to form for the mission of announcing the Redemption.

Likewise, with the presence of the vocation promoters of the Province, the process of selection and acceptance of candidates for the Minor Seminary, St. Joseph’s Seminary, Propaedeutic and Postulancy was carried out. Finally, fraternity and the Eucharist were shared with the novices of the Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Fr. Jairo Díaz Rodríguez, C.Ss.R.