An International Global Online Novena in Preparation for Christmas 2021


(India) Christmas had a special place in St. Alphonsus’ heart. For him, it was a special time of grace, another great opportunity for Redemptorists to proclaim the Good News of God’s self-emptying love in the Incarnation.

His amazement at this mystery with all its implications led him to compose a set of nine prayer-reflections as a Novena in preparation for Christmas. Therefore, it gives, us at the Redemptorist Media Center, India great joy to announce that starting 16th December up to 24th December 2021, we would like to spread this devotion throughout the world by conducting an International Global Online Novena to Christmas. For this purpose, a new video will premiere on each of these days at 06:00 hours Indian Standard Time and be available on our YouTube Channel  thereafter.

It would promote St. Alphonsus’ reflections on the mystery of Incarnation, albeit with updated language and theology for our times. At the same time, we would be uniting a stellar group of preachers from across the globe to inspire our participants. This would be the second time in our short history that we are conducting such an online event after the Novena to St. Alphonsus in July 2021.

You can watch the promotional video here:

Here is the list of Preachers for the nine days of the Novena and the Themes they will help us to reflect upon:

1. Day One: Dec 16th  – “Though He is God, Jesus became human” – Fr Juventius Andrade, CSsR (India)

2. Day Two: Dec 17th  – “Though He is great, Jesus made himself little” – Fr Michael Kelleher, CSsR (Ireland)

3. Day Three: Dec 18th – “Though He is rich, Jesus made himself poor” – Fr Picardo Amaral, CSsR (Philippines)

4. Day Four: Dec 19th – “Though He is exalted, Jesus became humble” – Bro Jeffrey Rolle, CSsR (Caribbean Islands)

5. Day Five: Dec 20th – “Though He is joy, Jesus embraced sorrow” – Fr Byron Miller, CSsR (USA)

6. Day Six: Dec 21st – “Though He is just, Jesus is merciful” – Fr Enrique Lopez, CSsR (Paraguay)

7. Day Seven: Dec 22nd – “Though He is the Way, Jesus journeyed as migrant” – Fr Charles Vijay Kumar, CSsR (India)

8. Day Eight: Dec 23rd – “Though He is in Heaven, Jesus lives on earth today -Egypt and Nazareth” – Sr Maria Victoria Flores, MPS  (Philippines)

9. Day Nine: Dec 24th – “Though He is Lord of the Universe, Jesus was born in the Cave of Bethlehem” – Fr Michael Brehl, CSsR (Rome)

Spread the word and participate in this extraordinary festival of grace.

Charles Vijay Kumar, C.Ss.R.