Brazil: Ten young men take their first vows as Redemptorists


On Sunday, 16th January, ten young people made their religious profession, the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience before the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. Seven of them are candidates on the way to the priesthood, and three others will live their vocation as brothers. The celebration took place at the Church of Santa Terezinha, at 9:30 a.m., in Tietê (SP).

Vows were taken as religious on the way to the priesthood by Carlos Henrique Mota de Pádua, Fabrício Gabriel Lima Oliveira, Gustavo da Silva Santos, Leandro de Cássio Eduardo, Leandro Gimenes da Silveira, Lucas Martins de Oliveira, Luciano Aparecida de Oliveira and as Redemptorist Brothers Cleiton Irinei de Carvalho Teixeira, Ian Lucas Lopes de Castro, João Cesar Batista de Araújo. Five of them did their novitiate at the Seminary of Santa Terezinha in Tietê (SP) and the other five at the Seminary of São Clemente Maria Hofbauer in Campina Grande (PB).

At Mass, the novices wore the Redemptorist habit for the first time. It takes place after the period called novitiate, a time of more significant preparation for admission to the first religious profession. The Mass has its rite and was presided over by the Provincial Superior, Fr. Marlos Aurélio, C.Ss.R, in the presence of the Novice Master, Fr. Pedro Paulo Dal Bó, and other Redemptorist missionaries.

The religious receive together with the habit, the rosary, the medal and the cross according to the Alphonsian tradition, configuring themselves as missionaries of the Copious Redemption; missionaries of the Most Holy Redeemer who find in the cross the most significant symbol of the Redemption.
