Two new doctorates in Rome

From left to right: Fr. Krzysztof Mamala, C.Ss.R. and Fr. José Carlos Linhares Pontes Júnior, C.Ss.R.

Two Redemptorists of the St. Alphonsus community in Rome got PhD titles last week. Fr. José Carlos Linhares obtained his degree in civil and canon law from Lateran University, and Fr. Krzysztof Mamala received his doctorate in moral theology from the Alphonsian Academy. It is a curious fact that both public defences took place simultaneously: on the same day, June 14, and almost at the same hour.

Fr. José Carlos Linhares Pontes Júnior, Procurator General of the Redemptorists, defended his doctoral thesis entitled La pastorale giudiziaria canonica nel magistero di Papa Francesco: accompagnare, discernere e integrare la fragilità matrimoniale (The canonical judicial pastoral in the Magisterium of Pope Francis: accompanying, discerning and integrating matrimonial fragility).

P. José Carlos proposes that the method “welcome, discern, integrate” applied to canonical judicial pastoral care is a concrete and effective way to respond to the synodal path’s clamour and apply the juridical-pastoral reform brought about by Pope Francis in the dioceses and bishops’ conferences. This path is enriched by St Alphonsus’ proposal of the formation of the conscience of the faithful.

P. José Carlos finished his licence in canon and civil law in 2018. In the same year, he was appointed Vice-Procurator General. On 18 June 2021, he was appointed Procurator General. He has completed his doctorate in Utroque Iure (civil and canon law). He is Brazilian and belongs to the Vice-Province of Fortaleza. 

Fr. Krzysztof Mamala originates from Poland and is a member of the Vice-Province of Bahia in Brazil. As a conclusion of his studies at the Alphonsian Academy, he presented a dissertation entitled:  Il presbitero e l’accompagnamento delle coscienze per la loro maturità. Il contributo della proposta alfonsiana (The presbyter and the accompaniment of consciences in their maturation. The contribution of the proposal of St Alphonsus).

The novelty of the doctorate consists in presenting a scientific analysis of the moral teaching of Pope Francis in the light of the intuition of Saint Alphonsus. Accompaniment is an essential way of action of God, who in Christ shares the paths of man and accompanies him in the particularities of life.

The art of accompaniment is a central theme for Pope Francis in the context of today’s need for a missionary conversion of the ecclesial community. This moral proposal of Pope Francis draws on the tradition of the direction of souls of St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, understood as a pastoral ministry for the formation of consciences.

The examination committee consisted of prof. Andrzej S. Wodka CSsR (chairman) and two moderators who accompanied the doctoral student in his scientific work, prof. Sabatino Majorano CSsR and prof. Antonio Donato CSsR.