Redemptorist Spirituality Course concluded in Rome

Basilica of Pagani; course participants at the tomb of St Alphonsus de Liguori, founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer.

A group of 22 confreres and one lay associate have finished the Redemptorist Spirituality Course, English edition, organised and directed by Fr. Piotr Chyla, C.Ss.R., director of the Redemptorist  Spirituality Centre in Rome. – It was a precious time – one could have heard the course participants speaking as they returned to Rome after a three-week journey to the historic places where our Congregation was born and started its apostolic mission in Italy. This time spent together has strengthened the fraternal bonds among the confreres working in different Units of our Congregation and brought them new spiritual impulses that will enrich their ministry.

The Spirituality Course lasted from June 13 to July 02. It started at St. Alphonsus House in Rome. The participants spent one week listening to several talks on the history of the Redemptorist Congregation, its charism, mission and spiritual inheritance. Stay in Rome also allowed them to visit the famous basilicas and some important monuments of ancient and Christian history. 

During the next two weeks spent in Southern Italy, the course participants visited the places linked to the life and ministry of St. Alphonsus de Liuguri, St. Gerard Majella and the first Redemptorist generations. This geographical journey was, at the same time, a spiritual one, consisting of reflection, prayer and fraternal sharing. 

Here are testimonies shared by three confreres who have participated in the Redemptorist Spiritual Course:

Watch also the video made by Fr. Anjelino Noventus Rowa, C.Ss.R., who interviewed the course participants on the last day of their pilgrimage: