Canada: Providing Leadership Development and Support to Ministry with Young People


NETWORK Leadership Seminars and Workshops are programs of the Redemptorists of North America through IGNITE Ministry Canada (Redemptorist Youth and Vocation Ministry), providing leadership training, formation and personalized accompaniment for parish staff and volunteers who make up the leadership for youth ministry, young adult ministry, or family and children ministry.

In the midst of challenging times, we believe in the value of building up our young people in both their needs of their everyday life, and the essential relationship with Jesus Christ, the Redeemer. We also recognize that local parish programs have diminished over the years, especially in these recent years, and know that parishes are looking for support and practical approaches to creative viable and sustainable ministries for young people of all ages.


As parishes reimagine their work with young people in the parish and the wider community, NETWORK is there to provide hands-on online (zoom) seminars that build upon each other to help teams ignite their vision of ministry with young people, to understand where we are called to serve young people today, and ignite their leadership potential by inviting others to join the parish effort to build a comprehensive and dynamic ministry for young people of all ages.

We will also focus upon the theological and practical foundations around catechesis and evangelization, justice and service ministries, liturgy and prayer, as well as efforts to address the pastoral care of young people. Our Ignite and Network Team will work with parishes in between the monthly seminars to provide customized support and mentoring for their efforts to build and grow their programs. The Leaders Seminars will begin in September 2022.

For more information about NETWORK LEADER SEMINARS, visit:


On a monthly basis, we offer virtual (zoom) workshops on a variety of topics that can inform and impact your ministry with young people as well as the entire parish. These Workshops are open to everyone seeking perspectives from professionals in ministry, rooted in a vision of our Redemptorist charism and mission of evangelization. Our workshop leaders come with a wealth of experience and knowledge in ministry, particularly in ministry with young people throughout North America.

Some of the topics include: “Accompaniment with Adolescents”, “Workshop for Pastors, Religious and Staff”, “Young Adults and Synodality”, “Journeying with Hispanic Youth”, “Evangelization and Catechesis”, “Family Faith Formation”, “Justice and Service Programming”, “Prayer and Worship”, “Creating Space for Meditative Prayer and Silence”, “Pastoral Care”, ”Collaboration”, and “Living Faithfully in a Secular Culture”.

Workshops will begin in October 2022.

For more information about NETWORK WORKSHOPS, visit:

By:  Fr. Santo Arrigo C.Ss.R. 
Coordinator of Ignite Ministry Canada and NETWORK