The Province of Oceania held its Chapter and elected a new Leadership Team

From left to right: John Hill, Sam Kono,John Hodgson, Vincent Pham, Vinsensius Lolo.

The Province of Oceania held its Provincial Chapter at Galong from Sunday 27 November to Tuesday 6 December. In our Province it is a time of transition from the leadership of Australian and New Zealand born confreres to a younger group of confreres from several of our units and the Chapter managed a fine transition to a new group of province leaders with the election of two Indonesian born confreres and one Vietnamese born confrere.

Fr John Hodgson was unanimously elected as the continuing Provincial for the next quadrennium, the Provincial Vicar is Samsonsius Kono, who is currently the Prefect of Students, and the consultors are: Vincent Pham, John Hill and Vinsensius Lolo.

The confreres gathered for the Chapter.

While we generally have an Assembly followed by a Chapter, COVID made this difficult, so we had a gathering of confreres after Easter since we had not been able to meet for the last two years due to COVID. The Provincial also invited students and other confreres to be observers at our Chapter so that they could not only contribute, but also understand more fully the process of Chapters.

Michael A Kelly CSsR

10 December 2022