New Partners in Mission

Fr. Pete Schavitz leads a prayer for the newly inducted PIM

(United States) The Redemptorist community at St. Alphonsus “Rock” Church in St. Louis welcomed five new Partners in Mission (PIM) on Sunday, January 22. Fr. Rodney Olive presided at Mass and Fr. Pete Schavitz was the homilist as parishioners Mike and Connie Page and Elizabeth Boykin, Lou Fick and Carol and Dick Drury of Mary Our Mother Church made commitments as PIM for the new quadrennium.

Redemptorist Associates sign commitments for the new quadrennium

Wendy Barnes, Joyce Jones, and Richard Buckley also participated in the ceremony. Wendy is a long-term Lay Missionary of the Most Holy Redeemer and serves as Co-Chair of the North American Commission for PIM. Joyce and Richard made commitments last year.

“Redemptorist spirituality epitomizes the gospel call to ‘Go ye therefore into ALL the world,’” Connie said. “My husband and I are honored to become Lay Associates. We will take the Redemptorist spirituality into our world and our ministries, most especially our ministry to inmates in Missouri prisons. Thanks be to God.”

Stephen Benden, C.Ss.R.

(Courtesy: denverlink)