New Regional Council in Zimbabwe

L-R: Br. Tendai Lemeyu, Fr. Mark Chikuni, Fr. Kenneth Macharaga, Fr. Richard Reid, Fr. Francis Kunaka, Br. Tendai Tamai, Fr. Elias Gweme

On Thursday 9 February 2023, the members of the Region of Zimbabwe met at Alphonsus House in Tafara, Harare, to pray and elect their new leadership for the quadrennium 2023-2026. The elections were conducted in the presence of the Provincial Superior of the London Province, Fr Richard REID, and his Vicar Provincial Fr Elias GWEME. Also present as observers were Mrs. Tina CAMPBELL, the child-safeguarding officer for the London Province, and Mrs. France SIBET, a lay partner.

The new members of the Ordinary Regional Council are as follows:

Regional Superior: Fr Kenneth Macharaga CSsR, 
Vicar Regional: Fr Mark Chikuni CSsR,
2nd Consultor: Fr Francis Kunaka CSsR.
The two members of the Extraordinary Regional Council are Br Tendai Tamai CSsR and Br Tendai Lemeyu CSsR.

After the elections, the members were formally appointed by the Provincial Superior Fr Richard REID of the London Province.

Shortly after the elections, the members gathered in the St Joseph’s Chapel to sing the Salve Regina and exchange the sign of peace.

Congratulations! May the Holy Spirit guide them and support them in their mission.