Bolivia: Perpetual Profession and Deacon Ordination


“The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve” Mt 20:28

March 18 was a joyous day for our Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, in particular for our Provinces of Bolivia, Vice-Province of Peru South, Vice-Province of Peru North and Vice-Province of Fortaleza (Brazil) for the perpetual profession and ordination to the diaconate of our four confreres: Alex Rojas Solano, C.Ss.R.; Br. Martín Javier Pulache Villegas, C.Ss.R.; Br. Christian Rodríguez Méndez, C.Ss.R. and Ítallo Cardoso de Olivera, C.Ss.R.; held in the Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in the city of Tarija (Bolivia).

The perpetual profession was presided over by Fr. Boris Calzadilla Arteaga (Prov. of Bolivia); also concelebrating were: Fr. Cesar Torres Pantoja (Vice Provincial of Peru South), Fr. Juan Carlos Ortiz Cordova (Vice Provincial of Peru North) and Fr. Julio Ferreira de Souza (Vice Provincial of Fortaleza) and several priests were also present.

The perpetual profession can be summed up in the formula of the profession that the candidates make before the Provincial or Vice-Provincial, manifesting their consent and will before God: To live freely the life sealed in the evangelical counsels, taking for life the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, and also the vow and oath of perseverance, according to the nature and norms of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. Our prayer is our best gift to our brothers so that God’s grace may accompany them and so that they may be able to live their consecration to the full.

Likewise, on Sunday, March 19, the ordination to the diaconate was celebrated and presided over by Mons. Jorge Ángel Saldías Pedraza, Bishop of the Diocese of Tarija. During this solemn celebration, Mgr. Jorge Saldías addressed the four confreres in his homily: You will be servants of Christ, after the example of Christ “who came not to be served but to serve” Mt 20:28, with generosity, availability, listening, and dialogue. What for? As we have heard in the Gospel, to help others to find the Light of Life, which is Jesus Christ. Through your life, witness, and preaching, may you help families find that Light and thus bear fruits of goodness.

Among the number of important signs in the celebration, such as the presentation of the Father Provincial to the Bishop, the manifestation of the will of the candidates before the Bishop, the promise of obedience to the Diocesan Bishop, the prayer of intersection (litanies), the prophetic preaching of the Gospel, we can highlight the prayer after the laying on of hands: Send upon them the Holy Spirit so that, strengthened by your grace of the seven gifts, they may carry out their ministry faithfully. Their ministry will consist of service to God at the altar and service to the people in prayer and charity.

We thank God for the perpetual profession and diaconal ministry of our confreres, whom we commend to your prayers so that they may live faithfully the vocation they have received.

Bro. Ronald Agapito Bolivar Aparicio CSsR