Lent in Spain, “Conchita Barrecheguren: an experience of the Redemption”.


(Granada, Spain) – In the context of the liturgical season of Lent that we are living and with a view to the beatification of Conchita Barrecheguren on 6 May, the community of Redemptorists and the Shrine of Our Mother of Perpetual Help are holding their Lenten talks. They began on 1 March and will continue on consecutive Wednesdays, 8, 22 and 29 March, in the Liguori Hall of the Shrine, at 20:30.

Granada, Sanctuary of Our Lady of Perpetual Help

The Lenten talks are entitled “Conchita Barrecheguren: an experience of the Redemption”. “They are four talks that help us to experience, to live the time of Lent, with the reference of her spiritual experience. That is why we have given it this title. Conchita lives her Christian life mainly with the accompaniment, the spiritual proposal of St. Alphonsus Liguori and the Redemptorists, of an experience of redemption, of the salvation of Jesus Christ”, explained Father Francisco Tejerizo, Redemptorist priest in Granada and Vice-postulator of the Cause of beatification of the young woman who died at the age of 22, victim of the disease.

The first Lenten talk, by Fr. Carlos Diego CSsR

The Lenten talk on the 1st was entitled “The experience of Redemption in the Bible”, given by Father Alfonso Diego, a Redemptorist. The following talks, which will be held every Wednesday in March, will be dedicated to the experience of Redemption in the family, in sickness and in the evangelisation of young people. They will be given, respectively, by the Redemptorist priests Father Enrique Gómez-Blanco, Víctor Chacón and Damián María Montes.

Social Communications Media of the Archdiocese of Granada