Nicaragua, Perpetual profession in a country in crisis


In the Santísimo Redentor Parish in Managua, the Nicaraguan, Bro Bismark Antonio Matus, made his perpetual profession on Sunday, 5 March. It was a warm celebration, full of emotions amid a country suffering a lot because of the crisis it is going through.

Fr. Jesús María Rojas Quesada, Provincial Superior of Central America, presided over the celebration. It was attended by Redemptorists serving in Managua, two Carmelite friars and a diocesan priest. Also present were his family and parishioners of the parish.

Father Jesús Marías Rojas, in his homily, explained a young man’s journey before he took his final vows.
The young man who one day hears the call in his heart begins to search for the answer: “What do you want from me, Lord? And then he clarifies what this call exactly means for him: to be a religious man, consecrated person, and missionary. Bismark thought of the Redemptorist missionaries. After a year of probation and three years of studying philosophy, he entered the novitiate to decide on the Yes to God”, the preacher explained.

Bro. Bismark Antonio… Many fidelities!

Fr. José Manuel Araya, C.SS.R.

You can watch the celebration in this link of the Parish of the Most Holy Redeemer in Managua.

Nicaragua is going through a very difficult situation:

Extrajudicial executions, illegal detentions, torture and inhuman and degrading treatment, arbitrary deprivation of nationality and the right to remain in one’s own country, to participate in public life, censorship of freedom of expression, opinion, association, conscience and religion.

A year ago, the United Nations commissioned a Group of Independent Experts to prepare a report on this situation. The report of the Human Rights Council confirmed that Daniel Ortega and his wife, Rosario Murillo, with the political and police leadership, have committed systematic violations of human rights in Nicaragua and crimes against humanity and civilians since 2018 until today.

The complicated situation spans from the spiral of lethal violence, which put down social protests with bullets from police and paramilitary groups, leaving 355 dead, to the recent revocation of the nationality of 316 people accused of treason, including 222 opponents expelled from the country on 9 February. One can witness the systematic persecution of the Church too, with Monsignor Rolando Álvarez, bishop of Metagalpa, the last critical voice against the violation of human rights silenced in prison in Managua, sentenced to 15 years in jail, while nine other priests were condemned and six were exiled to the United States.

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