Indonesia: Celebrating the new life in Christ on Easter


In Waimamongu, 43 children received the sacrament of baptism. 

The rain was falling gently but persistently since the previous night. Only momentarily did the sun appear on the horizon on Monday morning, April 10. Then, it rained again. Even so, nothing could have stopped parents from bringing their children to church. Easter is the right time to celebrate the sacrament of baptism. 

One week before, parents had attended a preparatory recollection. During this time, they were invited to reflect and realize their duties and responsibilities as parents. According to their marriage commitment, education in faith and values in the family is a noble task of parents.

Easter Monday was the time for them to come before the altar and introduce their children to the faith they professed.  Forty-three children were baptized.

At 7.30 am, the parents and godparents arrived at Saint Herman Yosep Waimamongu church. Their happy faces could not be hidden. Although some parents still follow the “Marapu” religion, they decided to let baptize their children in the Catholic Church.

Rightly at 8.30, the Eucharistic celebration with spending the sacrament of Baptism began. The celebration was led by Fr.  Willy Ngongo Pala, CSsR.  Apart from the leader of the celebration, also present at this holy Mass were Fr.  Novri, Fr Yosep Manu Lena, Fr.  Nuel, Fr. Paul, Fr.  Antoni and Fr.  Laurens.  Missionaries share the task of carrying out baptisms.  A children’s choir was singing, making the celebration even more touching.

This celebration was attended by family and supported by distant relatives and God’s people.  After the celebration of the Eucharist, the banquet provided by the parents marked our spirit of unity and togetherness in this place.

By Fr. Willy Ngongo Pala, CSsR