Fr Raphael Thierry elected the first Superior of the new Province of Central America and the Caribbean


Fr. Raphael Thierry, CSsR, has been elected as the first Provincial Superior of the new Redemptorist Province of Central America and the Caribbean. This has been confirmed by the Superior General, Fr Rogério Gomes, C.Ss.R. 

Fr. Thierry is known for his tireless pastoral work for the most needy in his native Haiti – in Les Anglais (commune of Haiti) and in the Damabiah orphanage in Port-au-Prince (Haiti).

With these experiences, he comes to Haiti with the strength to animate a group of missionaries (priests, brothers, lay men and women, seminarians) dedicated to the mission in eleven countries that have different cultural and socio-economic realities. 

Four other confreres were elected to accompany Fr. Thierry in the ministry of leadership as a Provincial Government of the new Unit created in the process of restructuring of the Redemptorist Congregation: 

Fr. Felipe Santiago Burgos, C.Ss.R.
Vicar Provincial
Puerto Rico

Fr. Jesús Rojas, C.Ss.R.
Ordinary Consultor
Costa Rica

Fr. Jean Jacques Nicolas, C.Ss.R.
Extraordinary Consultor

Fr. Henry Soto, C.Ss.R.
Extraordinary Consultor
Costa Rica
