Meet the First Government of the Province of Nossa Senhora Aparecida

New Provincial Government (from left to right): Father Roque, Father Américo, Father Marlos, Father Fábio and Father Jonas

Fr. Marlos Aurélio da Silva was elected Provincial Superior in the Elective Chapter of the Units of São Paulo, Rio, and Bahia

The future Province of Nossa Senhora Aparecida met on Thursday the 24th, with the representatives of what will be the first Provincial Government, for the three-year period 2024-2026. The choices were defined in the Elective Chapter, held at Casa de Retiros São José, in Belo Horizonte (MG), which ended this Friday 25th of August.

The 63 Capitulars of the (Vice) Provinces of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Bahia, first elected Fr. Marlos Aurélio da Silva, as Provincial Superior of the Province of Nossa Senhora Aparecida. The 49-year-old Redemptorist was born in Wenceslau Braz (PR) and joined the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer in 1989, at the Santo Afonso Seminary, in Aparecida (SP). His Priestly Ordination took place on July 14, 2001. Since 2019, Fr. Marlos has exercised the mission of Provincial Superior of the Province of São Paulo.

In addition to the election for Provincial Superior, the voting Redemptorists chose representatives from each of the (Vice) Provinces for the posts of Ordinary Councilor and Extraordinary Councilor.

The list below are the elected members of the Province of Nossa Senhora Aparecida (2024 – 2026):

Provincial Superior: Father Marlos Aurélio da Silva, C.Ss.R.

Ordinary Provincial Councillors:

Fr. Roque Silva, C.Ss.R.
Fr. Américo de Oliveira, C.Ss.R.
Fábio Evaristo Resende Silva, C.Ss.R. Brother Carlos José da Cunha, C.Ss.R.

Extraordinary Provincial Councillors:

Fr. Antonio Niemec, C.Ss.R.
Father Jonas Pacheco, C.Ss.R.

Father Marlos, after the announcement, spoke about the feeling of being the last Provincial of the Unity of São Paulo and now, the first of the future Province of Nossa Senhora Aparecida:

“It is a historic milestone and I think that all of this represents the finger of God, who looked at us despite our limits, and our failures, but believed and bet through the confreres, giving this vote of confidence. To conclude, to close the life of this unit, so significant within the Redemptorist Congregation, which is the Province of São Paulo, more than a hundred years old and with so many good confreres, who gave their lives and believed in this ideal and passed this love on to Redemptorist charism. May all of this serve as a boost, enthusiasm, and excitement for the service that we will begin with the new Province.”

The appointment of Fr. Marlos Aurélio was approved by the Superior General of the Redemptorist Congregation, Fr. Rogério Gomes, C.Ss.R., in a document sent from Rome:

“We wish Fr. Marlos every blessing and that he be a good shepherd and guide for the new Province. And each confrere, by his co-responsibility and for the good of the Congregation, is called to help him in his task of shepherding, governing, guiding and administering.”

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Mario Pereira