“Father Levytskyi and Father Heleta… I begin the prayer with them in my mind”, words of the Apostolic Nuncio to Ukraine


On behalf of the many Redemptorists who work in situations of political tension or among the most abandoned, we thank the words of Archbishop Visvaldas Kulbokas, apostolic nuncio to Ukraine, who celebrated Christmas Mass in Kharkiv, in a war zone, at 50 kilometers from the border with Russia.

In an interview with Vatican News, he said that the air alerts “sounded precisely in the highest moments of the celebration, when we were in front of Jesus.”

The nuncio told Vatican media that “even during the Christmas period, the war has not disappeared, the war continues.”

The archbishop said he constantly prays for the children, but also for the prisoners because “you don’t know how many I know personally, how many families who have their loved ones somewhere in Russia, we don’t know where, but they are not even soldiers: they are doctors, they are civilians, or we have our two Redemptorist Catholic priests Father Ivan Levytskyi and Father Bohdan Heleta…I begin the prayer with them in my mind.”

You can find the complete interview on the pages of the Vatican media, under the title:

“Christmas under the bombs in Kyiv. The testimony of the apostolic nuncio”

L’Osservatore Romano:https://www.sistenzaromano.va/it/news/2024-01/quo-003/la-luce-di-gesu-risplende-anche-nel-buio-della-guerra.html