The Jose Maria Benito Serra Province of the Oblates present on the web


The José María Benito Serra province, of the Oblate Sisters of the Most Holy Redeemer, launches a website, an Instagram profile: oblataspjmbs and a Facebook page: José María Benito Serra Province.

The province includes communities and projects in Mexico, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, the United States, the Philippines, Colombia and Venezuela.

The sections of the new site are: Home, Oblate, Activities, Our Province, Donations, Contact us. Likewise, you can access social media profiles (Instagram and Facebook) and the latest news highlights from the home page.

In the Chapter of the Province, held last May in Bogotá, the sisters elected a new Animation and Government Team for the next three-year period 2023-2026.

This favoured the renewal of communication and the creation of the website and social networks. Likewise, the Provincial Communications Team is currently engaged in the process of renewing the institutional image of the Oblate Sisters of the Most Holy Redeemer.


The site can be accessed from this address: