New Conference Coordinators of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer


With the beginning of new Sexennium (2023 – 2028) the new coordinators of different conferences of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer have been appointed and were effective from 1st of January 2024. We have a short biography with other details below.


(Conference Coordinator of the Conference of Europe – 9100)

Fr. Johannes was born on 5th November 1960 in Germany. He professed his vows on 7th September  1980, perpetually professed on 16th October 1983 and was ordained on 26th July 1987. After his ordination, he assumed major responsibilities in different aspects of the Redemptorist administration. He was appointed as Formation director from 1996 till 2005, as Provincial Vicar from 2002 till 2005, as Regional Superior from 2008 till 2011, as Provincial Superior from 2011 till 2017, his role as Confessor and Spiritual Director from 1987 till 2011, Jugend-Kloster (youth ministry) from 2005 till 2011. He has his Doctorate in philosophy from the University of München. He was appointed as the Coordinator of Europe on 1st January 2018. Then again, he was reappointed as the Coordinator on 23rd October 2023.


(Conference Coordinator of North America – 9200)

Fr. Jerome was born on 29th May 1957 in Charlotte, NC and raised in Newnan, Georgia, in the United States of America. He entered the Minor Seminary in Northeast, PA from his home parish in Newnan, which was served by the Redemptorists. He professed his vows on 29th July 1978, perpetually professed on 1st August 1983 and was ordained on 26th May 1984. Fr. Jerome was assigned to the Vice Province of Richmond from 2003 to 2015, and served in parishes, preaching missions (bilingual), in migrant summer ministry and in administration on the Vice Provincial, Provincial and General Secretariat levels from 1984 till 2022. He was appointed as the Coordinator of the Redemptorist Conference of North America on 23rd May 2023 which was effective from 1st January 2024.


(Conference Coordinator of Latin America and Caribbean – 9300)

Fr. César was born in Ica (Peru) on April 21, 1964. He did his Theological studies at the Instituto Superior de Estudios Teológicos “Juan XXIII”, Pueblo Libre – Lima (1982 – 1988). Pueblo Libre – Lima (1982 – 1988). He made his religious profession in the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorist) on January 20, 1985. His perpetual profession was on February 25, 1988, and his priestly ordination was on July 15, 1989. He obtained a Licentiate in Spiritual Theology at the Teresianum in Rome – Italy (1999 – 2000). He was appointed Vicar of the Parish “Nuestra Señora of Monte Carmelo”, Santa Clara, Ate in 1989. Then Formator of Postulants (1990 – 1992) and Formator of Aspirants, Arequipa (1995). Master of Novices, Arequipa (2003), Formator – Spiritual Director of the Major Seminary “San Martin de Porres”, Diocese of Chosica (2005 – 2007). Extraordinary Councilor of the Vice-Province of Southern Peru (2008-2010). He was the Rector of the Seminary “San Alfonso” of the Vice Province of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (2015) and Secretary of the Council of the Vice Province of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. He was Vice Provincial Superior from 2018-2023. He was appointed as Conference Coordinator on 23rd May 2023 and was effective on 1st January 2024.


(Conference Coordinator of Asia Oceania – 9400)

Fr. Yoakim was born on 16th August 1970 at Mata-Kapore, Sumba, Indonesia. He professed his vows on 1st July 1991, perpetually professed on 18th August 1998 and was ordained on 4th August 1999. He was the formator and spent teaching in the seminary from 2011 to 2014. He was the provincial superior of the Province of Indonesia from the year 2015 to 2018. He was appointed as Coordinator of the Conference of Asia-Oceania (9400) which was effective from January 1, 2024.


(Conference Coordinator of Africa & Madagascar – 9500)

Fr. Noel was born on 26th December 1976 in Tanguieta, Benin. He professed his temporary vows on 28th September 2001, was perpetually professed on 17th April 2006 and was ordained on 22nd July 2006. Soon after his ordination his first appointment was an Assistant Priest at the Parish of Kantchari in Burkina-Faso from 2006 till 2008. Later he did his Licentiate in Sacred Scriptures at the Pontifical Institute Biblicum, in Rome (Italy) from 2008 to 2012. After his studies, he was a Socius and Bursar at Saint Gerard Formation House, in Ouagadougou (Burkina-Faso) from 2012-2014. Then he was a Lecturer of Sacred Scriptures and Biblical Greek at the Institute of Philosophy Maison Lavigerie and in the Major Seminary of Saint John the Baptist, in Ouagadougou (Burkina-Faso) from 2012 till 2017. He was also Superior at Saint John Neumann Formation House, in Ouagadougou (Burkina-Faso) from 2014 till 2017. Within his role as Superior, he was also a Councillor in the Vice-Provincial Council of Afrique de l’Ouest from 2015 to 2016 (till September). He was Vice-Provincial Vicar in the Vice-Provincial Council of Afrique de l’Ouest in 2016 (from September to December). Then again, he continued as a Lecturer of Sacred Scriptures, Biblical Greek, and Biblical Hebrew at the Theological Aselmianum Institute of Ouagadougou (Burkina-Faso) from 2017 to 2021 (till February). He was elected as Vice-Provincial Superior of the Vice-Province of Afrique de l’Ouest from 2017 to 2018. He was an Assistant Priest at Saint Gabriel Parish of Garbado, in Niamey (Niger) from 2019 to 2020. From 2021 until 2023, he was appointed as the Coordinator of the Conference of the Redemptorists of Africa and Madagascar (COREAM). Then again, he was reappointed as Coordinator of the Conference of the Redemptorists of Africa and Madagascar (COREAM) on September 05, 2023, which was effective on 1st January 2014.

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