Mexico, Cihuatl Project: the Oblate Sisters offer services to women in prostitution


Global support: Through the Cihuatl Project, the Congregation of the Oblate Sisters of the Most Holy Redeemer provides various services, such as medical and psychological assistance, legal advice, and scholarships, to women in prostitution.

The number of lives would change if at least one group were treated with dignity and empathy and not with indifference, discrimination, and mistreatment. Throughout the world, the practice of prostitution is fueled in most cases by human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, and in Ciudad Juárez, the problem remains at alarming levels.

But it is also here, on the border, that a group of people carry out a specific mission to support women who prostitute themselves. The Cihuatl Project, an initiative of the Congregation of the Oblate Sisters of the Most Holy Redeemer, provides bio-psycho-spiritual support to these women and their children.

“The Oblate nuns of Ciudad Juárez carry out the congregation’s specific mission, which is to accompany women globally in contexts of prostitution. It is a very specific mission; in any place of the 15 countries in which we are present, it is the same work that we carry out,” specifies Genoveva Ochoa Castrejón, religious leader of the project, whose legal entity in Mexico is the Instituto Pro Infanzia e Juventud Feminine AC.

She explains that the association’s work involves global support based on various services, such as medical and psychological assistance, legal advice, and scholarships.

Currently, the women who constantly approach Proyecto Cihuatl, both to ask for support and to participate in activities, are, on average, around 60, in addition to their children. However, since the group’s founding in Juárez in 2004, nearly a thousand have been served.

( / Twitter: @hermanasoblatas)

Complete article in this link to
El Proyecto Cihuatl en CiudadJuarez – Acompañamiento integral

You can read more about the CIHUATL /Mujer en Náhuatl project :