The Episcopal Ordination of Mons. Stanislav Přibyl CSsR in Litoměřice in the Czech Republic


On Saturday, 2 March 2024, Redemptorist Stanislav Přibyl was consecrated bishop of the diocese of Litoměřice.  Archbishop Jan Graubner of Prague presided over the liturgical ceremony of consecration. The homily was given by Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna. The ceremony took place in St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Litoměřice. 

Read more about the new bishop: Father Stanislav Přibyl CSsR appointed Bishop of the Diocese of Litoměřice

In his inaugural speech, the new bishop Stanislav Přibyl CSsR, after thanking God and his family of origin, turned to the Redemptorists present at the celebration and said: “I have another family. These are my Redemptorist companions. I am happy, dear brothers, that you are here with me today. I understand my appointment to the episcopal see of Litoměřice, according to our Redemptorist charism, as a missionary vocation with particular attention to those who are most in need of our help. With me, you always have an open door; my home is your home.” 

In his final thanks, Monsignor Stanislav Přibyl also made a reference to his pastoral and administrative experiences in the diocese of Litoměřice, where he had been vicar general for over seven years. He said to all those present in the cathedral: “Please, remember that I have not come among you as an angel or a saint but as an ordinary person who faces the same difficulties and challenges as each of you. But I will do my best to grow into the ideal of a bishop modelled on Christ, the Good Shepherd. I also want to be a good person, a neighbour and a citizen. (…) I am ready to work and collaborate for the common good.” 

Monsignor Stanislav Pribyl was among the Redemptorist confreres present at the ceremony.

Bishop Přibyl chose for himself, as his episcopal motto, the words: “Pax vobis” – peace be with you. In his speech, he explained it this way: “I cannot help but appeal at this moment to this value which, if lived, will become a virtue. I understand peace as a space without fear, a space of trust and opportunity to grow and mature, an environment where we can better hear God’s voice and appreciate God’s care for us. I wish this peace to you and myself with all my heart.”

Scala News, taken from: Gréckokatolícki redemptoristi (Facebook), Biskupství litoměřické (

The video of the episcopal consecration of Mons. Stanislav Přibyl is available on the TV Noe YouTube channel: