Diaconate Ordination in Weetebula, Indonesia


On the eve of the 135th anniversary of the presence of the Catholic Church in Sumba, Bishop Edmund Woga, CSsR of Weetebula, consecrated three Redemptorists as Deacons. They are Br. Yohanes Paulus Tukan CSsR (Paul), Br. Don Lorenso Jaga Kelen (Don) CSsR and Br. Bernardus Ignasius Dalo Liman CSsR (Nardi). The ordination was held at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Weetebula on Wednesday, 17 April 2024, at 5 pm. Of course, this was an amazing experience. God never stops accompanying his church by giving his missionaries from the Land of Nagi, as East Flores is called. They belong to the Diocese of Larantuka. 

The history of the Sumba Catholic Church begins with the arrival of Jesuit missionaries on 21 April 1889. Fr. Bernard Scweitz, SJ. and Br. William Bush, SJ. arrived on Easter Vigil in Laora, Sumba. They came together with 7 young men from the Diocese of Larantuka, East Flores. 

In his homily, Msgr. Edmund reminded the deacons that their duty as deacons is a duty of service, not just an entrance to the next level of ordination. Therefore, let this task be carried out seriously. “As deacons, you should take seriously the duties and roles of the deacons as servants of God by serving the people. You must not be selective in serving. Serve all the people with love and care. Really use this opportunity to serve,” said Bishop Edmund.

The ordination was attended by confreres, family members and friends of the Redemptorists. After the celebration, all guests, friends and acquaintances were invited to a simple reception at the St. Alphonsus Weetebula Convent House.

The Redemptorists returned to their current places of service. Nardi is serving at Saint Mary Homba Karipit Parish, Paul is serving at Sang Penebus Parish Waingapu-Wara, and Don is doing his ministry at St Paulus Karuni Parish. According to the plan, they will be ordained as priests on 1 August 2024. 

Let us pray for these three deacons to serve with dedication and love. May they be blessed with the abundance of redemption in all their works.

Be courageous!

Fr. Willy Ng Pala, CSsR.