CONGO: The Redemptorist mission in Africa was the focus of the COREAM Assembly in Kola.


After the network meeting in Kola in the Vice province of Matadi – CONGO (DRC), the confreres and the lay representative present (Lady Judith Agu) began the COREAM ASSEMBLY. This was an important moment when the members came together to plan and intensify the mission of the Congregation in Africa and Madagascar. During these four days of reflection and deliberations, there was an urgent call to re-awaken the missionary strength of COREAM- “The youthfulness of the Conference must be transformed into creativity and pastoral zeal for mission”.

In a spirit of shared responsibility, they evaluated the COREAM strategic plan by reviewing the steps taken by the proposed different zones, perfecting those that have been taken, and finding reasons for those that have not been implemented regarding restructuring and reconfiguration.

The Assembly also carefully studied and revised the COREAM Statutes elaborated more on the canonical implications regarding the new proposed Units and evaluated the implementation of the COREAM Sexennial Action Plan. Later, different reports were presented: the Solidarity office and the participation and contribution of the laity in our mission.

Fr. Rogerio Gomes, Superior General, exhorted the members at the closing of the Assembly: “We are an orchestra following the baton of the Redeemer’s conductor. We are a missionary body, and each of us plays a vital role in this mission. I insist that COREAM must recover its strengths and possibilities.”

By Fr Francis Sila CSsR- Kenyan Mission