A series of Summer Retreats for Children in Moldova and Ukraine

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The Redemptorists and lay collaborators who make up the Missionary Team “East” organized summer retreats for children and young people on the theme “That they may all be one (John 17:21).” The retreats took place in four parishes, in Moldova (Rîșcani) and Ukraine (Trzcieniec, Miżyniec, Rivne). Approximately 170 children, 4 Redemptorist priests, 3 seminarians and 8 lay animators participated. Prayer, catechesis, songs, and games together allowed the participants to come to know Jesus Christ better and to experience unity in the community of the Church.

From July 15 to 19, the retreat was held for the first time in Trzcieniec, Ukraine. On July 14, 2023, we were warmly welcomed and received by the parish community and by Fr. Cristoforo Jamro, the parish priest. During the meetings, we reflected on the parables of the talents, the lost sheep, the prodigal son, the merciful Samaritan, and the passage of the wedding at Cana. Based on these stories, we tried to show the value and importance of unity and to demonstrate not only what the Church can give us, but also what each of us can offer from ourselves to the community of the Church. There was great interest in learning first aid, organized during the catechesis on the merciful Samaritan.

At the same time, a retreat led by another missionary team was held in the parish of Rykshany, in Moldova. The participants of the meetings were altar servers and candidates for this ministry, so in addition to catechesis, the boys had lessons related to their service at the altar. On the day of their return to Poland, the team met with the bishop of the Diocese of Chisinau Anton Coșa.

From July 22 to 26, another series of retreats for children and young people was held at the parish of All Saints in Mižinec. More than 60 people participated. Each day, the animators conducted one or two catechesis, a Redemptorist missionary preached during the Eucharist, and pantomimes (theatrical entertainment) and exercises were organized to help them experience the content of the Gospel. When the parable of the lost sheep and the Good Shepherd was discussed, the participants, together with the animators, went on a treasure hunt to find the sheep. When the revelation of the Lord Jesus at the wedding in Cana was discussed, a Jewish wedding was held with live music, dancing, and celebrations. Thanks to the content discussed during the retreat and the authentic community that was formed during these five days, the young people had the opportunity to better know and love Jesus, the only Redeemer of all.

The last cycle of retreats took place in a parish in Rivne, Ukraine. About 50 children participated. The help of the Sisters of the Congregation of Divine Providence – Julia and Mateusa, Father Waldemar, Deacon Petr and the young people who assisted the missionary team was invaluable. Every day there were programs of games, dances, conversations and sometimes films when the weather did not allow for spending time outdoors. The children learned new religious songs and engaged in artistic work to better assimilate the content of the parables discussed. Every day we also prayed for the end of the war.

We return from the summer retreats enriched by meeting other people, with their experiences and with the difficult stories of the war in Ukraine. At the same time, we return immensely grateful, with a smile on our faces and joy in our hearts for having been able to bring the Good News to children and young people. We remember the participants of the summer retreats in our prayers and hope to see them again next year.
We thank the good Lord for the fruitful period of mission!

Anna Macek-Bujak, Marta Mądziel, Fr. Jakub Ciepły CSsR

The Missionary Team “East” has existed since 1991 and is based at the Redemptorist Major Seminary of the Province of Warsaw. The main goal of the team is to help Catholic parishes in the former Soviet Union. It is especially manifested in organizing, supporting, and conducting retreats, especially for children and young people. Usually, these are week-long retreats in the summertime. The team has conducted many series of retreats in countries such as Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, and Ukraine, assisting the pastoral work of the priests working there.

(source: redemptor.pl)