Annual Assembly of the Redemptorists in the Province of Thailand


From November 25–28, the Redemptorists of the Province of Thailand gathered in Pattaya for their Annual Assembly. Reflecting on the Communicanda “You Are the Light of the World,” the assembly was a time of spiritual renewal and communal discernment. Fr. Ivel Mendanha, C.Ss.R., General Consultor and guest speaker, led the retreat, encouraging participants to deepen their commitment to spreading God’s light in a world seeking redemption.

In addition to prayer and reflection, the assembly addressed the practical dimensions of the Province’s mission. Members reviewed policies to promote transparency, well-being, and service, evaluated the current state of the Province, celebrated accomplishments, and confronted challenges, all with a shared vision for the future guided by faith and unity.

The assembly concluded with a Thanksgiving Mass and celebration, joined by bishops, local priests, religious sisters, and both minor and major seminarians. This final gathering was a joyful expression of gratitude to God, the community, and all who support the Redemptorist mission.

Strengthened and inspired, the Redemptorists move forward with renewed hope, trusting in God’s providence to guide their efforts as faithful witnesses to the Redeemer’s love and as true missionaries of hope in today’s world. 

Jittapol Plangklang