“The Nicene Creed explained with simplicity,” a book by Fr. Alberto de Mingo CSsR


On December 11, 2024, at the parish of the Most Holy Redeemer in Madrid, the presentation of the new book by Fr. Alberto de Mingo CSsR: “The Nicene Creed explained with simplicity” took place. Edited by Sígueme.

When Christians are asked about God, the simplest answer we can give is that he is Father, Son and Spirit. To say anything less would be to fail in the truth that we have received. God is one, but also plural. Communion in diversity belongs to His essence and to ignore it would imply opting for a God who is not the one revealed to us in Jesus of Nazareth.

The Creed is a synthesis of faith in the triune God. There are two best-known versions: the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed. The latter is an expanded version with formulas agreed upon by the ecumenical councils of the 4th century and contains essential clarifications that remain indispensable.

The purpose of this book is to explain each article of the Creed in a simple but also rigorous way, showing its connection with the experiences of believers on which it is based and paying special attention to Sacred Scripture. In this way, we hope to contribute to presenting the Nicene Creed not as a series of cold formulas, but as a set of expressions that can continue to nourish Christian life today.

(text from the back cover of the book)

Fr. Alberto de Mingo Kaminouchi CSsR is a professor of biblical moral theology at the Pontifical University of Comillas (Madrid) and at the Pontifical Institute of the Alphonsian Academy (Rome).