Draped in Redemption
As part of the preparations for the beginning of the celebration of the 100 years of presence of the Redemptorist Missionaries in Venezuela (1925 – 2025), the Congregation in that country offered the processional dress of the Marian devotion with the most significant number of faithful in Venezuela; and one of the largest in America, the Divina Pastora, who on the 14th of January every year goes on a massive pilgrimage from the town of Santa Rosa to the city of Barquisimeto, in the west-central interior of the country, accompanied by a multitude of faithful who sing and praise until they reach their destination. Curiously, the first Redemptorist Missionaries arrived in the city of Barquisimeto on the 14th of March 1925.
The dress, which the image always wears for its procession, is a novelty every year because it is made under the guidelines of a special theme for the Church. The vestment designated for 2025 by Douglas Tapia was presented with the title ‘Dress of Redemption’ and has in its most striking part a design of the coat of arms of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer under a golden colour that recalls the background of the icon of the Mother of Perpetual Help, patroness of the Redemptorist missions. The mantle is surrounded by lilies, representing the Parish of San José de Barquisimeto, the church at which the first redemptorist community settled, composed of Fathers Andrés Álvarez Palacios and Esteban Arce and Brother Rafael Nebot. They were the first Redemptorist Missionaries who arrived in the country and took over the animation of this parish, which was still under construction, established themselves.
At the back of the dress, there is a significant mosaic, which depicts BVM Mary, under the invocation of the Mother of Perpetual Help, Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori (founder of the Redemptorist Congregation), Saint Clement Maria Hofbauer (known as the one who spread the redemptorist mission beyond Italy), Saint Gerard Majella and Saint John Neumann (Redemptorist saints). Another particular feature is the crimson-red colour of the Infant Jesus outfit, with the image of the Divine Shepherdess, representing the usual garment with which Jesus, the Most Holy Redeemer, is depicted. Along with this garment, the Infant has a medallion with the Redemptorist coat of arms.
‘It has been a gratifying experience, the warmth and affection with which this dress was made, which will be worn by the Divine Shepherdess in her grand procession, and which undoubtedly expresses the prayer and the beauty of Mary. The signs of the Congregation that accompany her in this special year for us – so Fr. Aly Villegas, CSsR Consultor of the Andean Caribbean Province and superior of the community of San José, said in an interview.
Many activities contribute to celebrating 100 years of missionary presence in Venezuela, including popular missions, vocational and youth meetings, parish activities and commemorative events. The professional dress that Redemptorists offered to the Divina Pastora marks the beginning of the festivities for the centenary of the Redemptorists in the country and expresses their affection for the people of Lara who have accompanied them during this history of almost 100 years.
Redemptorists Venezuela