The decisive element in evangelisation is communication.
The Redemptorist Missionaries of the Nossa Senhora Aparecida Province in Brazil, among their various pastoral activities, work in the media related to the National Sanctuary of Aparecida.
Therefore, we are responsible for preaching the Good News of Redeeming Love that calls us to live as brothers, seeking a way of life-based on the Gospel.
Our Congregation in Brazil runs Rádio Aparecida (74 years), TV Aparecida (20 years), and the Internet portal A12 (15 years). We celebrate faith daily, express the value of life, carry a message of Hope, offer more critical knowledge of reality, more relationships, and more capacity to grow as people and as Christians.
We reaffirm our most significant characteristic: the missionary joy of being with the public (the listener, the spectator and the internet user), the pleasure of doing everything well, enthusiasm, pleasure and beauty, and spreading constant devotion to Our Lady. As we say, ‘everything begins and passes through Her’.
I am currently more involved in TV Aparecida, where I am Art and Pastoral Director, which has the important characteristic of integrating, composing and developing our work in a synodal way, in the awareness that ‘I am in the media, I am not of the media’.
I also collaborate in the presentation and participation in the programmes that are prepared.
We realise the vast mission territory that the media has. That is why we want to witness the need for the Aparecida Network to increasingly become one of the pulpits of the Church in Brazil.
Above all, each person is already a communicator. Therefore, in the age of artificial intelligence, it is worth recalling Pope Francis’ message for World Communications Day 2024, inviting us to cultivate the wisdom of the heart in order to communicate fully human, trusting in the Holy Spirit who guides the art of communication with creativity and fidelity.
As a Congregation, our expectation is to create more missionary communication that brings Hope to hearts, lead large Teams, and coordinate many Projects that express new methods, a new ardour, and new languages in the proclamation of the Copious Redemption, using all possible means.
Brother Alan Zuccherato CSsR
Presenter and director of the TV programme Aparecida