Parish of Saint James in Newark in the United States of America

A special missionary gift, the Shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Campo Grande (Brazil) at the beginning of November, bears a replica of the original icon of Rome to the Parish of Saint James in Newark, in the United States of America (USA).
The Redemptorist missionary, the pastor of Saint James parish, father Celso Junior is preparing three days of prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help with the special participation of the rector of the Shrine of Campo Grande, father Dirson Gonçalves.
“It’s an honor to bring this icon to Brazilians living in the United States and Americans too. This is our Redemptorist mission: to make known to Our Mother of Perpetual Help”, said the missionary.


This reply came from Rome, Italy, it was a gift given to the sanctuary by the Italian Redemptorist missionaries, during the 1st International Congress of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Campo Gande last year.

Father Celso, who is Brazilian, said that devotion to Our Lady is part of the Catholic faith. “Our love for the Mother of Jesus is in our doctrine and also in our everyday life. We are waiting for the icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and so in our communities we can also express this love and devotion, in especial way with this maternal icon that bring us to Jesus. Welcome the icon!”, Said the missionary.